Upcoming Events
TATC is accepting applications for the next C.N.A. session. The class starts on May 7th and runs through August 11th. Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday from 4:00 to 8:00. Call 435-248-1800 or stop by the Tooele campus for more information or to enroll. Click here to view enrollment requirements.
Attitude is everything in Customer Service and attitude can be taught. We will teach each person to have confidence in themselves and their skills. This 4-week course starts May 11th and meets Fridays from 1 to 3 p.m. Call 435-248-1800 for more information, or stop by the Tooele campus.
Basic First Aid Procedures
Learn what to do to get through a minor crisis. The mini-lesson covers first aid for bleeding, burns, blisters, fractures, sprains, nosebleeds and frostbite.
When: Wed., May 16th, 12 – 1 p.m.
Cost: FREE includes pizza lunch
(Please RSVP to 435-248-1800 for accurate lunch count.)
TATC Campus Calendar 2011-2012

Public Notice
Board of Directors
Meeting Schedule and Agendas

Start anytime, choose your own schedule, go at your own pace.
Tuition is $1.55 per hour.
Call 435-248-1800 for more information, or stop by the Tooele campus at 66 West Vine St. between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. to enroll.