Student Handbook: Definitions continued
Most programs and courses at the Salt Lake • Tooele Applied Technology College are offered in an open-entry/open-exit environment. Open-entry means you can start most classes any Monday. You do not have to wait for the beginning of a semester. Open-exit means that you are finished when you have demonstrated mastery of the required competencies for a course or program.
The College standard for satisfactory progress requires that students in open entry/open exit programs maintain acceptable levels of progress toward the attainment of course or program competencies.
Satisfactory student progress is defined as a student’s ability to complete at least 67% of assigned work over the time a typical student would take to complete 100% of the assigned work. Students making satisfactory progress will complete each module in at least one-and-a-half times the module’s length in hours. Example: a student would have, at most, 15 hours to complete a module that was 10 hours in length.
Satisfactory progress is required to be at a minimum of 67% by a calculation of enrolled hours against competency hours completed. Student progress is reviewed on a monthly basis by program faculty.
See Attendance and Satisfactory Progress Reports for more information on Satisfactory Progress.