Student Code of Conduct

Students attending the College shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with customary standards of employment. Faculty and staff of the SLTATC are committed to providing all students a positive learning environment where employment skills can be learned in a safe atmosphere. Consistent with this philosophy, these are general expectations for students attending the SLTATC:

  • Fellow students, faculty and staff are to be treated in a polite, respectful manner.
  • Students are expected to wear clothing appropriate for safety and effective performance of tasks in the area of training in which they are enrolled. Clothing must be clean and shall not be immodest, obscene, or create a hostile training or work environment for other individuals or themselves.

The following are considered unacceptable and are prohibited for all students attending the SLTATC while on College owned or controlled property, while on externship assignments, or while representing the College in the community.

Use of Alcohol and Drugs Not Prescribed to the Holder. Use of, possession of, or trafficking of controlled substances or drug related paraphernalia (illegal drugs) in class or on the premises.

Animals: Bringing animals into College facilities except those animals serving the disabled or those used for educational purposes.

Assault: Knowingly or recklessly causing or attempting to cause serious physical harm to another. This includes any threat or act of violence intended to harass, frighten, cause harm or emotional duress.

Cheating: Any dishonesty or deception in fulfilling training assignments or testing requirements.

Children: Allowing children in college classrooms or labs or leaving children unattended in hallways and restrooms.

Destruction of Property: Intentionally or recklessly damaging, destroying, defacing, or tampering with the property of the College or the property of another person or entity.

Dishonesty and Misrepresentation: Knowingly or recklessly furnishing false written or oral information including false identification to College officials, faculty, and/or staff; forgery, or alteration of College documents or records.

Disruption/Obstruction: Knowingly or recklessly disrupting, obstructing, or interfering with College functions or activities or the pursuit of the College mission, including but not limited to teaching, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities.

Disturbing the Peace: Knowingly or recklessly disturbing the peace of the College, including, but not limited to, disorderly conduct, failure to comply with an order to disperse, fighting, quarreling, and/or being intoxicated.

Failure to Comply or Identify: Failure to comply with the directions of a College official or any law enforcement officer acting in the performance of their duties and/or posted or written rules including failure to evacuate during an emergency and/or failing to identify oneself to any of these persons when requested to do so.

False Charges/Statements: Knowingly making false charges or allegations against college officials or other students.

Harassment: Conduct that has the purpose or foreseeable effect of unreasonably interfering with an identifiable individual's educational performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or learning environment for that individual. Sexual harassment is contrary to the College’s policy. It is against the law, and will not be tolerated.

Information Technology, Misuse of: Theft, unauthorized access or abuse of SLTATC information technology resources including the violation of college internet access policies. Law, Violation of: Any violation of local, state or federal law while on SLTATC property.

Safety Equipment, Misuse of: Unauthorized use or alteration of fire fighting equipment, safety devices, fire alarms, fire extinguishers or other emergency device.

Smoking Policy, Violation of: In accordance with the Utah Clean Air Act (Section 76-10-108) smoking is not permitted in any SLTATC building.

Theft: Theft of the property or services of the College or any person or entity.

Tobacco Use: Tobacco use is restricted on all SLTATC campuses in accordance with the Utah Clean Air Act (Utah Code 26-38-3). Students under the age of 19, including high school students are prohibited from possessing or using tobacco on campus (Utah Code 76-10-103/105).

Trespass or Forcible Entry: Trespass, or forcible entry into any College building, structure or facility, or onto College property.

Unauthorized Visitors: The presence, in classrooms, labs or assessment areas, of visitors, including children, without proper authorization. Children must be attended at all times.

Unsafe Practices: Physical harm to others or threat of physical harm to others, and dangerous or abusive usage of tools and materials.

Weapons: Regardless of intent, unauthorized possession or use of a firearm, knife or explosive device of any description, and/or anything used to threaten or harm including but not limited to, firecrackers, compressed airguns, pellet guns, BB guns, paint guns, water guns.


Students found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to College sanctions.

Sanctions shall be imposed according to the severity of the misconduct and shall be consistent with the standards of due process. Offending students may be subject to sanctions up to and including dismissal from school and may be subject to legal prosecution if warranted. In all cases, the College shall reserve the right to require counseling and/or testing of students as deemed appropriate.

SLTATC Student Code of Conduct Adopted 7/14/04

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