Student Handbook: Definitions


Associate of Applied Technology (AAT) Degree
The AAT Degree is competency-based and offered on an open- entry/open-exit basis. The average time to complete the AAT Degree should fall within a range of 1890 to 2070 clock hours. Like the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) Degree, the AAT Degree is designed to prepare students for direct entry into the workforce.

The curriculum for the AAT degree is standardized across all campuses of the Utah College of Applied Technology offering the degree. The award is conferred by the Utah College of Applied Technology.

Certificates of Completion
A coherent sequence of courses 900 clock hours or greater. The curriculum for certificates of completion is standardized across all campuses of the Utah College of Applied Technology offering the certificate. The certificate is awarded by the Utah College of Applied Technology.

Certificate of Proficiency
A certificate that validates that a set of competencies or a number of courses designed to prepare a student for employment or to provide skill upgrade has been completed. The certificate is awarded by the individual UCAT campus.

Certificate of Skill Competence
A certificate that validates that a single course has been completed (such as a computer course, a Photoshop course, etc.). The certificate is awarded by the individual UCAT campus.


Student Services staff interview students during the registration process to determine their enrollment objectives. This information helps us to ensure that students are meeting their individual goals. There are five different enrollment categories as follows:

An adult enrolled in a full technical training program for the purpose of preparing to enter the job market, re-enter the job market, or cross-train for a career change.


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